Self Magazine features Danny Jelaca’s fuss-free hair tips!
Self Magazine features Danny Jelaca’s fuss-free hair tips!
Self magazine featured some of Danny’s fuss free hair tips for women. What his hour saving haircut technique? Wrestling with blowdryers and curling irons is a hassle take takes up more time than anything else each morning. To ensure that everyday is a good day, top stylist Danny Jelaca of the white hot Miami Beach salon practices a ,” come as you are” philosophy, instructing clients to arrive to their appointment with their hair self styled. “I cut their hair dry, designing the style around what their hair normally looks like so their are not any surprises when they wash it for the first time.” he says. “Its true ‘wash n wear'” Ask your stylist for the same treatment and you’ll save A.M time. A second trick: bobby pins. Having one on hand whether ornate or bare-boned guarantees a put- together look all day. “On bad hair days, or in that weird growing out stage, it looks super polished to sweep longish bangs diagonally across your forehead. Tuck them behind one ear and secure with bobby pin,”says Jelaca.